NOTE : All content is always pre-screened/reviewed before being published.
a. We are obligated to moderate or review any of your Content to verify compliance with the Terms of Service (including, in particular, our Acceptable Use Policy) and/or any applicable law.
b. It is our policy to suspend access to any Content you post on which we become aware may not comply with the Terms of Service (including, in particular, our Acceptable Use Policy) and/or any applicable law whilst we investigate the suspected non-compliance or unlawfulness of such Content. If we suspend access to any of your Content, you may request a review of our decision to suspend access to the relevant Content by contacting us at Following our investigation of the suspected non-compliance or unlawfulness of the relevant Content, we may take any action we consider appropriate, including to reinstate access to the Content or to permanently remove or disable access to the relevant Content without needing to obtain any consent from you and without giving you prior notice. You agree that you will at your own cost promptly provide to us all reasonable assistance (including by providing us with copies of any information which we request) in our investigation. We will not be responsible for any loss suffered by you arising from the suspension of access to your Content or any other steps which we take in good faith to investigate any suspected non-compliance or unlawfulness of your Content under this section.
c. If we suspend access to or delete any of your Content, we will notify you via email or electronic message to your account, but we are not obligated to give you prior notice of such removal or suspension.
d. We reserve the right in our sole discretion to terminate your agreement with us and your access to for any reason by giving you 30 days’ notice by email or electronic message to your account. We can also suspend access to your User account or terminate your agreement with us and your access to immediately and without prior notice:
if we think that you have or may have seriously or repeatedly breached any part of the Terms of Service (including in particular our Acceptable Use Policy), or if you attempt or threaten to breach any part of the Terms of Service in a way which has or could have serious consequences for us or another User; or
if you take any action that in our opinion has caused or is reasonably likely to cause us to suffer a loss or that otherwise harms the reputation of
If we suspend access to your User account or terminate your agreement with us and your access to we will let you know.
e. Upon termination of your account, we may deal with your Content in any appropriate manner in accordance with our Privacy Policy (including by deleting it) and you will no longer be entitled to access your Content. There is no technical facility on for you to be able to access your Content following termination of your account.
f. We can investigate any suspected or alleged misuse, abuse, or unlawful use of and cooperate with law enforcement agencies in such investigation.
g. We can disclose any information or records in our possession or control about your use of to law enforcement agencies in connection with any law enforcement investigation of any suspected or alleged illegal activity, to protect our rights or legal interests, or in response to legal process.
h. We can change the third-party payment providers used to process payments on and if we do so, we will notify you and store applicable details on your account.
i. Other than Content (which is owned by or licensed to Creators), all rights in and to and its entire contents, features, databases, source code and functionality, are owned by us and/or our licensors. Such material is protected by copyright, and may be protected by trademark, trade secret, and other intellectual property laws.
j. We are the sole and exclusive owners of any and all anonymized data relating to your use of and such anonymized data can be used by us for any purpose, including for commercial, development and research purposes.